The Art of Quitting: How To Overcome Your Fear of Not Being Able To Give Up Alcohol

Before meeting my friends in Marburg for the second half of my trip, I stayed in Munich. It had been 14 years since I first visited with my high school exchange fear of being sober program, and my German was rusty. When I tried to order lunch at a stand near the famed Viktualienmarkt, I couldn’t understand what the employee was saying.

  • Many times, social events and outings center around drinking alcohol.
  • Many people simply do not know if it will work.
  • Building self-confidence is essential in social situations, especially when you’re sober.
  • The good news is that the majority of our staff members have been exactly where you are now, and they know exactly what you are going through.
  • Every day, week, and month that you let slip by without tackling your drinking problem is time you can’t get back and more damage you must undo.

In others, it is the natural human instinct to worry about the unknown. Fear is the biggest barrier to change, even if that change is for the better and will improve our lives. There is no doubt that getting sober is a daunting prospect — it’s terrifying.

What if People Judge Me?

The only way out is through, you can do this. Roadblocks and fears are a normal part of recovery. However, they can be overcome by taking things one step at a time and focusing on your goals.

  • It can be extremely difficult to imagine a life without drugs and alcohol and the idea of being happy without substances seems impossible or unimportant.
  • You probably feel ashamed about your struggles with addiction.
  • You can learn to overcome your fears with curiosity and develop a kick-ass strategy to help you build a beautiful sober life.
  • You are not smart enough, others are better than you.
  • But, when you use curiosity you can transform your life and overcome these fears.
  • You have to do what is best for you, and you can’t let your anxiety about a sober future prevent you from doing what you need to do.

Understanding the benefits of sobriety can be a powerful motivator. Sobriety often leads to improved mental clarity, better physical health, enhanced relationships, and more authentic connections with others. Educate yourself on the positive aspects of sobriety to reinforce your decision. To try to avoid sabotaging your success in recovery and in life, focus on the present.

Sobriety Fear #9: You won’t be able to handle your feelings without alcohol.

There are many resources available to help you overcome your fears and live a life in recovery. These resources can include therapy, support groups, and 12-step programs. The longer you drink for, the more entrenched your fears become.

It is not enough to say, “I am afraid of that”. You have to look at why you are afraid and what it would take to not be afraid. You can break it into baby steps that match your comfort level of change. Let this be the year you clean out all those old messages. Test them out to see which ones hold water. The fear can be so great you are afraid to eliminate it, believing that it serves you in some way.